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We are a national development company focused primarily on the territory of Bahia, with several projects spread across this state, especially in the southern region where Itacaré and Peninsula de Maraú are located.
In the south of Bahia, between the sea and the mountains covered by the Atlantic Forest, the small town of Itacaré is home to a treasure of natural beauty.
Thinking about what is happening in the world… ( so many negativity).
We “Itacare Group” choose an environment to handle all these things in a safe area under all the necessary items we can have in one place, a totally independent and sustainable world!
Here you have agriculture, pure water, wood, bamboo, lots of cocoa, many types of fruits, vegetables, fishing, different beaches, the sun shining during the year, happy people, security and support for the rest of the necessary things in life. It's a simple and luxurious setting where you can build your new world.
Come and enjoy it with us! Itacaré Group.
“Seguranca, agilidade, serviço impecável!!! Estamos super felizes por ter tido a oportunidade de conhecer o grupo Itacare. “
https://g1.globo.com/ba/bahia/noticia/2024/07/21/gisele-bundchen-comemora-aniversario-na-bahia.ghtml Nas fotos compartilhadas, Gisele aparece em um passeio de lancha nas ilhas da Baía de Camamu e na praia de Algodões, em Maraú. Além
https://aloalobahia.com/notas/ampliacao-da-malha-aerea-e-turismo-sustentavel-na-bahia-sao-discutidos-em-lisboa The Bahia Tourism Secretariat promotes the state’s attractions and maintains a negotiation agenda during the 33rd Lisbon Tourism Exchange, which hosts the International Fair,
https://www.arkaonline.com.br/blog/a-peninsula-de-marau-bahia-um-paraiso-escondido-no-nordeste-brasileiro/?amp=1 Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos A Península de Maraú, situada no litoral do estado da Bahia, é um dos destinos mais encantadores e ainda pouco
Foram sete anos desde as primeiras conversas para a compra do terreno até o término da obra… Mas o projeto de paraíso sustentável na Bahia,
Empreendimento na Península do Maraú demandou investimento de R$ 80 milhões Em meio a cinco hectares preservados da Mata Atlântica, o Vivant EcoBeach Resort Barra
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